Q.1. What is the prominent sentiment of the play?
Ans. The prominent sentiment of the play is ‘Shringara’ which could be roughly translated into love, romantic love or erotic love.
Q.2. What is ‘Prastavana’?
Ans. Prastavana, Vikashambhaka and Praveska are particular features of Sanskrit drama. In Prastavana, the sutradhar introduces the story, and Vikashambhaka and Praveshka are interludes connecting one scene with another. In Prastavana the Sutradhar after introducing the play disappears to come only at the end to recite Bharata Vakya. It is to be noted that Prastavana and Bharat Vakya are not part of the drama,
Q.3. What is ‘Rupaka’?
Ans. Rupakas primarily deal with satvika temperament and other abhiyanas. Bodily gestures and music occupy a secondary position in Rupaka. The Bhavaprakasana very clearly states that Rupakas were rastamaka or which are dependent on sentiments. There are ten types of Rupakas namely, Nataka, Prakarana, Samavakra, Thamrga, Dima, Vyayoga, Anka, Prahsana, Bhana and Vithi.
Q.4. What or who is a ‘Dirodutta’?
Ans. Bharata talks about the Nayaka in his chapter on prakriti. This chapter is on Prakriti the nature of human beings or characters/paatras. He begins by laying them into three main categories: 1. Uttama, 2. Madhayama, 3. Adhama. Then Bharata goes on to mention the four types of Nayaka. All the four natyaka types have been identified amongst the uttam and madhyama. They have been divided into the following:
1. Dhirodhata – brave and haughty, 2. Dhiralata – Brave and sportive, 3. Dhirodata – Brave and magnanimous, and 4. Dhirashaanta – brave and calm.
1 st Act
Q.1. What did Maitreya had in his hand when he enters in the first act? Who sent to whom?
Ans. Maitreya had a cloak in his hand when he enters in the first act. Jurnavriddha was sent to give it to Charudutta.
Q.2. How was Maitreya’s life before Charudutta became poor?
Ans. Before Charudutta became poor, Maitreya had an easeful life. He had all the amenities of life served to him on his platter. He had access to a lot of good food and free time. Now he has to run here and there in search of work and food.
Q.3. What does poverty bring according to Charudutta? Ans. According to Charudutta poverty brings never-ending woe. Q.4. What is ichor?
Ans. During the mating season, a fragrant liquor exudes from the forehead of the elephant. Of this liquor bees are very fond. This liquor is called ichor.
Q.5. How does Charudutta address Vasanatasena in the dark?
Ans. Charudutta mistakes Vasanatasena for Radhanika and asks her to take his son Rohasena inside the house.
Q.6. Who was chasing Vasantasena? Why?
Ans. Sansthanaka was chasing Vasantasena to molest her.
Q.7. With what does the courtier compare Vasantasena?
Ans. The courtier compares Vasantasena with a pool where both the brahman and the fool bathe. He also compares her with flowers which all touch and with ships where in all kinds of people travel.
Q.8. What are 5 deadly sins?
Ans. The five deadly sins are: the slaying of a Brahman, the drinking of wine, theft, adultery with the wife of one’s teacher, and association with one guilty of these crimes.
Q.9. What is the sixth sin?
Ans. Poverty is the sixth sin.
Q.10. What message does Sansthanaka gave to Charudutta through Maitreya?
Ans. Sansthanaka tells Maitreya to tell Charudutta that if he gives up Vasantasena to him then he will be friends with him forever but if he does otherwise then he will fight him to the death.
2nd Act
Q.11. How many gold pieces did the Shampooer owe Mathura?
I want all the short questions from each of the acts of Mrcchchakatika!! please send it!!